Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Still no responses to the question I asked in the previous post from Iain or anyone else from the "yes" lobby.

Iain has posted again on Trident though (with a post which has a hint of the "Moving on..." about it) so, obsessive nutter that I am, I've tried again too.

Will anyone answer? Place your bets now...


Anonymous said...

"So Nich, you reckon that 198 Tories who support the replacement of Trident
should vote the other way? That would be really ethical, wouldn't it?"

So Iain, you reckon that 198 Tories who support the replacement of Trident
should piss all over the NNPT? That would be really ethical, wouldn't it?

Rab said...

They won't answer because it is not possible to justify morally, economically or strategically a system of WMD that we are never going to use.
Australia don't need it, Germany don't need it, Japan don't need it, so why the hell is this "Labour" government spending £20bn on WMD when our train service is the worst in the UE, when our hospitals are understaffed and when neds (chavs) are roaming the streets and there doesn't seem to be enough police in the streets?

These Labour MPs that voted for Trident know no shame. What a disgrace to the proud history of the Labour movement. Smith & co must be turning in their graves.
Shame on New Labour.